How to earn new leads with good writing

Sammer Markis
2 min readNov 1, 2021
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Marketing has been changing for some time through technological and social innovations and in the age of social media, this could not be different. If before, the focus was on invasive campaigns where the potential client used them passively, nowadays the focus is quite different. That’s because today’s marketing has new ways to engage and capture customers, and content marketing is a key concept for this.

Content marketing seeks to generate value for the target audience or persona, through valuable content that takes the future customer through a funnel (discovery, awareness, decision) naturally transforming them from potential customer to consumer and brand advocate. This is all because the content engages, educates, and adds value.

But how does content marketing work?

By generating content that solves problems and adds value, the brand’s target audience goes through a period of education and discovery of the brand. Then, through the production of content, the brand attests to its authority on the subject, demonstrating that it knows the problems and adequate solutions to solve the client’s pains, making it then seen as an authority on the subject and gaining the client’s trust.

But be careful when creating content, remember that the customer is not interested in seeing several articles that only serve to advertise your brand, the customer needs to go through a journey before making a decision and for that, your content must present solutions to the problems that its client faces, thus gaining confidence and authority in the subject. There is no exact ratio, as it varies a lot from theme to theme and type of business, but the ratio should always be more content than advertising. Save your business advertisements for those in the last stage of the funnel.

So, were you already familiar with content marketing? Write there in the comments!

